How to Prepare Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki

3 min readSep 4, 2020


An unopened cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles
Photo by Author

Ah… man… This series of noodles again… I don’t wanna… but I must! Back again is Ottogi’s Heart Signal Series of instant noodles meant to harm, I mean aid, in the marketing for the popular TV show, Heart Signal. I probably don’t have to tell you that the last cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Ramen that I reviewed was lackluster, to say the least. I’ll try and keep an open mind about both these noodles and the TV show for now, but something tells me Jjalabokki is going to be another dud. Let’s jump right into it today and follow pretty much the same directions as Ottogi’s Heart Signal Cheese-ghetti Instant Noodles from the previous review.

Step 1.) Partially open the lid and remove the 3 packets from inside

The 3 packets found inside a cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles.
Photo by Author

Step 2.) Pour the dried flakes packet into the cup

Pouring the dried flakes packet into a cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles.
Photo by Author

Step 3.) Boil some water and fill the cup up to the fill line

Boiling water poured up to the fill line in a cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles.
Photo by Author

Step 4.) Close the lid and wait patiently for 4 minutes

A closed cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles cooking for 4 minutes with chopsticks resting on top.
Photo by Author

Step 5.) Open the area marked for draining the liquid and remove most of the liquid

Draining most of the liquid from a cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles.
Photo by Author

Step 6.) Add the powdered jjajang packet and mix

Pouring the powdered jjajang packet into a cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles.
Photo by Author

Step 7.) Add the liquid sauce packet

Pouring the liquid sauce packet into a cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles.
Photo by Author

Step 8.) Mix and Enjoy!

A finished cup of Ottogi Heart Signal Jjalabokki Instant Noodles in a bowl with chopsticks.
Photo by Author

Pretty much cookie-cutter repeat in steps there! The only difference is in the sauce packets really. That’s super convenient! The review is coming today as well, so stick around a while and watch some Heart Signal reruns or something.

For the Heart Signal fans out there, would you pick either the Cheese-ghetti or Jjalabokki for snack, while you watch the show? Which do you think is better? Let me know in the comments!

If you’re interested in hearing more about instant ramen, check out my on-going series, Noodle Story: An Exploration of Korean Instant Noodles, here on Medium.

Note: This article may contain affiliate links that support the author’s ramen purchases for these how-to guides and reviews.




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