Many moons ago, Paldo’s Ggo Ggo Myeon was once known for being a cup of noodles co-created by a famous celebrity comedian here in South Korea. Time has passed since the introduction of these chicken flavored noodles and I’m sure most of the younger generation has absolutely no idea who the mastermind behind this product actually was. As a ramen reminder to make sure his fabled status is never forgotten, Lee Gyeong-gyu, cemented his visage on the cover of Ggo Ggo Myeon, letting us know that his contributions and sacrifices for humanity will truly never die. You’re not just eating ramen, you’re eating a legend! Literally. And… apparently, legends taste like McDonald’s Spicy McChicken Sandwiches. I hope you’re ready for some “McChicken Noodle Soup,” because we’re about to make some!
Step 1.) Partially open the lid and remove the powdered soup packet from inside
Step 2.) Pour the powdered soup packet into the cup
Step 3.) Boil some water and fill the cup up to the fill line
Step 4.) Cover the noodles and wait patiently for 4 minutes
Step 5.) Mix and Enjoy!
Another cup of noodles with vague directions. Ggo Ggo Myeon had nice pictures that got the point across, but I thought they could have been a bit more clear. Maybe I’m asking for too much from a cup of noodles co-created by a comedian? Regardless, these directions could use an ever so slight adjustment for the obsessive compulsive ramen cook, like myself.
So, have any comedians co-created instant noodles or other processed foods in your country? Can you have chicken noodle soup without any pieces of chicken? Let me know in the comments below!
If you’re interested in hearing more about instant ramen, check out my on-going series, Noodle Story: An Exploration of Korean Instant Noodles, here on Medium.